In this article, you will learn how to generate User Schedule reports using the Schedule Snapshot module.
- On the Module Menu, click Schedule Snapshots. You will be directed to the Schedule Snapshots page.
- TIP!! you can also use the Schedule Snapshot option in the QuickLinks Bar.
- TIP!! you can also use the Schedule Snapshot option in the QuickLinks Bar.
- In the Schedule Snapshot panel, define the date range and location:
- Next 5 Days From: click the field to activate a Calendar and select the start date of the 5-Day Overview filter.
- Location: click the drop-down arrow to select the Farm Location.
- Scroll down to the target date and find the User Schedule tab. The User Schedule tab opens.
- Select a user to generate the report from by selecting the user's Checkbox. You can select multiple users.
- To set one stop per page report, select the One Stop per page (for drivers only) Checkbox.
- To show details on cut sheets, select the Show details on cut sheet Checkbox.
- Click
to continue. The selected user's schedule report will be generated.