In this article, you will learn how to export shipment details using the Schedule Snapshot module. 

  1. On the Module Menu, click Schedule Snapshots. You will be directed to the Schedule Snapshots page.
    • TIP!! you can also use the Schedule Snapshot option in the QuickLinks Bar.
  2. In the Schedule Snapshot panel, define the date range and location:
    • Next 5 Days From: click the field to activate a Calendar and select the start date of the 5-Day Overview filter.
    • Location: click the drop-down arrow to select the Farm Location.
  3. Scroll down to the target date and click the Export Shipments tab. The Export Shipments tab opens.
  4. To select a shipment to export, select the shipment's Checkbox. You can select multiple shipments to export.
  5. Clickto continue exporting the shipments. The selected shipments will be exported.