In this article, you will learn how to permanently delete payment methods. This option lets you permanently delete unused payment methods. It is important to note that deleting the selected payment method will make it unavailable for reactivation and can no longer be used.

Payment methods that are associated with any orders are restricted from being deleted.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Order Management and select Payments. The Payments sub-menu will expand.
  2. In the Payments sub-menu, select Payment Methods. You will be directed to the Payment Methods page.
  3. In the Payment Methods panel, use the Name and/or Active fields as filters and click the >SEARCH button to narrow your search.
  4. The searched/filtered results will appear in the Payment Method list. Find the payment method that you want to delete and click its Delete  icon.
  5. A Confirmation dialog box will appear. Click >DELETE to continue deleting the payment method.