In this article, you will learn how to create new payment terms. This feature enables you to create custom payment terms and manage their configuration.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Order Management and select Payments. The Payments sub-menu will expand. 
  2. In the Payments sub-menu, select Terms. You will be directed to the Terms page.
  3. Click the >CREATE button to access the Create Term page.
  4. You will be directed to the Create Term page. In the Term panel, specify the following:
    NameEnter the term name/label.
    DaysEnter the number of days the payment is due.
    DefaultSelect the checkbox to make this the default payment term.
    CODSelect the checkbox to make this payment term a Cash On Delivery type of payment.
    ActiveBy default, this checkbox is selected. This means that after the term creation, this will be activated/enabled. To deactivate this term, deselect the Active checkbox.

  5. Review the term details and click the >SAVE button to create the term.