In this article, you will learn how to associate SMS messages to existing orders. This option lets you organize related SMS messages and orders.

  1. In the Quicklinks Toolbar, click the SMS icon and select View SMS.
  2. You will be directed to the Messages-Inbox screen with already filtered all-SMS messages displayed.
  3. Find the SMS message that you want to update or use the ADVANCED SEARCH feature to enable the filter panel and narrow your search. Click its View Message icon to open the message.
    • Note: you can also see the message overview by clicking the Plus (+) icon beside the message. Messages with New indicators are new and unread messages.
  4. In the Message Type panel, click the >ASSOCIATE TO ORDER button.
  5. This opens the Associate An Order window. In this window, you can find and select an order to associate with the selected SMS message. To do this, use the Order No or Client Number fields to filter and search order.
  6. Select the order to link to the message by clicking its Associate Order icon.
  7. A Confirmation dialog box will appear on the screen, click >ASSOCIATE to continue associating the message to the selected order.