In this article, you will learn how to reply to email messages. Responding to email messages differs from SMS as each channels have their own unique functionality.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Messages. You will be directed to the Messages screen.
  2. Click Inbox and select All. A sub-menu will expand enabling more options. find and click Emails.
    • Note: you can also use the Global Search field to search for specific email messages.
  3. Find the message(s) that you are looking for and click its View Message icon to open the message.
    • Note: you can also click on the drop-down menu beside the Delete icon to instantly open the Reply screen without opening the message.
  4. The selected message opens and displays the recipient details and message contents. Click the Drop-Down arrow inline with the selected message's panel and click Reply.
  5. Another Message panel will be enabled on the right. In this panel, you can add your reply and update other message details.
  6. After entering your reply, click >SEND to send your reply.