In this article, you will learn how to access your inbox and view email messages through the Messages module.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Messages. You will be directed to the Messages screen.
  2. By default, email messages are shown in the list along with SMS, Announcements, and System messages. It may be strenuous to find email messages by just scrolling down and looking at the Channel type of each message. To filter and display just the email messages you received, click Inbox and select All.
  3. The All sub-menu will expand enabling more options. Find and click Emails.
    • Note: you can also use the Global Search field to search for specific email messages.
  4. Messages with New indicators are new and unread messages. Find the message(s) that you are looking for and click its View Message icon to open the message.
    • Note: you can also see the message overview by clicking the Plus (+) icon beside the message.
  5. The selected message opens and displays the recipient details and message contents. In this screen, you can also do the following tasks: