In this article, you will learn how to create or send SMS to Turf Logistics users and clients. With the update, the Messages module is enhanced with new options enabling you to manage messages seamlessly.

The SMS messaging feature lets you send/receive SMS messages within Turf Logistics. The SMS feature allows you to efficiently communicate with the office, drivers, and harvesters increasing the collaboration level and productivity of the team. More importantly, clients can now use this platform to reach out to you about their orders (i.e. status, changes) in real-time.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Messages. You will be directed to the Messages screen.
  2. Click Create SMS to open the Messages - Create SMS panel.
  3. In the New-SMS panel, specify the following details:
    1. Find and select the appropriate User Type in the Use recipient from: section:
      1. User - selecting this user type displays all users.
      2. Client - selecting this user type displays all the clients.
      3. Order - selecting this user type displays all clients with existing orders regardless of its status.
      4. SMS-Phone (Comma-Separated)- selecting this user type lets you specify mobile phone numbers. Add multiple phone numbers separated by commas.
        • Note: selecting the appropriate user type enables the system to intuitively display the auto-recipient suggestions list.
    2. Click the >SELECT RECIPIENT button to select recipient(s). This opens the Select User window. To select a single recipient, click its Select User icon. To select multiple recipients, select the users' checkbox and click the >SELECT CHECKED button.
      • To add more recipients, click the >SELECT MORE button.
      • To clear selected recipient(s), click the >CLEAR RECIPIENT button.
    Type message enter the content of the SMS message.

  4. Review the message details and content before sending them. Click the Send icon button to send your SMS message.