Trucks and trailers are crucial in transporting products to clients, therefore, adding trucks/trailers to Turf Logistics will make it easier for you to access its information when needed during routing operations. In this guide, we summarized the steps on how to create trucks and trailers. You can also jump to the Driver Management section of the documentation to view the complete driver, truck profiles, trucks, and trailers management articles.

Adding Trucks

The steps below are summary of the process, you can view the complete article using this link: How to Add Trucks.

To add new trucks, open the Driver Management module and select Trucks. This expands the Trucks sub-menu for more options. Click Create Truck to create a new one and specify its details.

In the Truck panel, specify the truck details by entering the appropriate data in each field.

After specifying the truck details, review the information and click >SAVE to add the truck in the system.

Adding Trailers

The steps below are summary of the process, you can view the complete article using this link: How to Add Trailers.

To add new trailers, open the Driver Management module and select Trailers. This expands the Trailers sub-menu for more options. Click Create Trailer to create a new one and specify its details.

In the Trailer panel, specify the trailer details by entering the appropriate data in each field.

After specifying the trailer details, review the information and click >SAVE to add the trailer in the system.