After updating the farm information and configuring its settings, you can now build up your team. The User Management module enables you to manage users who can access Turf Logistics with specific role-based features and functions.

Start adding users by opening the Users Management module and select Create User. This will direct you to the Create User page wherein you can select the user types:

Type of User
AdminAdmin users can access all modules and has the ability to manage other users. They can update he farm's general information and configure its basic and advanced settings.
OfficeOffice users have limited access which concentrates on order management and general office tasks such as client management, scheduling, inventory, etc. 
HarvesterHarvester accounts can only access harvest related features such as cutting, loading, and picked up list among other basic account features.
DriversDriver accounts can only access the Dashboard, Messages, Profile, and Your Orders features.

In addition, this module allows you to update user permissions to ensure that all team members can use the necessary and appropriate tools to fulfill their roles at a maximum level.

For more information, on how to manage users, view Users Management for the complete How-To articles.