Welcome to Turf Logistics!

This section of the documentation will guide you on how to update your farm details and configure its settings. So let's get started!

After activating your account, you may now go to the Farm Management module and select Update Farm. This will direct you to the Update Farm page wherein you can update farm details and configuration. There are a total of fifteen (15) panels that you can use to customize your farm.

It is also worth noting that you must have an Admin level account credentials to update the farm details and configuration.

The table below displays the list of panels and its description:

Farm Info
the Farm Info panel lets you update the farm's basic information and location. In this panel, you can specify the farm's details, add farm location, setup the map, and indicate the business hours.
Farm Settings
the Farm Settings panel lets you define the farm's general settings.
Units of Measurement
the Units of Measurement panel lets you configure the farm's default unit of measurement and date format.
Shipping Price Settings
the Shipping Price Settings panel lets you define the farm's settings.
Countries Sold To
the Countries Sold To panel lets you specify the farm's markets and set default market by country.
Default Map Center/Zoom
the Default Map Center/Zoom panel lets you set the map's center display or default zoom.
the Emails panel lets you manage the farm's default email templates for different email campaigns (tab). In addition, you can also send test email to you or your team to check the email templates.
Quickbooks Settings
the Quickbooks Settings panel lets you configure the farm's quickbooks settings.
Harmony Settings
the Harmony Settings panel lets you specify the farm's Harmony settings and set default Harmony fees.
Refunds Settings
the Refunds Settings panel lets you define the farm's default refund configuration.
Invoice Settings
the Invoice Settings panel lets you specify invoice notes, disclaimers, and double-sided invoice content. In addition, you can set the farm's default invoice miscellaneous settings.
BOL Settings
the BOL Settings panel lets you  specify the farm's default number of bill of lading copies and directions on bill of ladings.
Dispatching Reports Settings
the Dispatching Reports Settings panel lets you specify dispatching related notes such as Rate & Load Confirmation Dispatch Notes and Customer Load & Rate Agreement Customer Notes.
Stripe Settings
the Stripe Settings panel lets you link your Stripe account with Turf Logistics using the Connect with Stripe button.
the Logo panel lets you upload your farm's logo to increase your farm's branding.
Order Colors
the Order Colors panel lets you organize order by managing order status or classification by assigning them with specific colors.

Each panel represents specific farm configurations. After updating your farm, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save to apply the changes. For more information, see Farm Management and access the complete How-To articles on how to update your farm.