In this article, you will learn to update/configure your farm's Invoice Settings. The Invoice Settings enable you to configure invoice related configuration which includes:

  • Invoice Footnote
  • Number of Priced Invoice Copies
  • Number of Unpriced Invoice Copies
  • Invoice Disclaimer
  • Invoice Disclaimer Font Size
  • TPI Member
  • Invoice Name
  • Back of Invoice
  • Farm Full Name
  • Farm Abbreviation

The instructions below will guide you through the process of updating the Invoice Settings.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Farm Management and select Update Farm. You will be directed to the Update Farm page.
  2. Scroll down to the Invoice Settings panel. This panel lets you configure your farm's invoice settings.
  3. In the Invoice Settings panel, configure the settings to match your farm's preference:

    Invoice Footnote
    enter your farm's invoice footnote manually or copy and paste existing farm's footnote templates. See How to Add/Update Invoice Footnote.
    Number of Priced Invoice Copies

    enter the number of priced invoice copies. See How to Set the Number of Invoice Copies.
    Number of Unpriced Invoice Copies

    enter the number of unpriced invoice copies. See How to Set the Number of Invoice Copies.
    Invoice Disclaimer

    enter your farm's invoice disclaimer manually or copy and paste existing farm's invoice disclaimer templates. See How to Add/Update Invoice Disclaimer.
    Invoice Disclaimer Font Size
    enter the preferred invoice disclaimer font size.
    TPI Member
    click the drop down arrow to indicate TPI membership.
    Invoice Name
    enter the preferred invoice name.
    Back of Invoice
    enter your farm's back of invoice disclaimer or your preferred back of invoice content or copy and paste your farm's existing back of invoice contents. See How to Add/Update Disclaimers for Double-Sided Invoices.
    Farm Full Name
    enter your farm's full name.
    • Note: assign farm name shortcode using this format: %%FARM_NAME%% (e.g. %%SodCo%%). other available shortcodes are: %%COUNTY%%, %%STATE%%, %%PHONE%%, %%ADDRESS%%.
    Farm Abbreviation
    enter your farm's abbreviation.
    • Note: assign farm abbreviation shortcode using this format: %%FARM_ABBREVIATION%%
    Estimate Text
    enter your farm's order estimate message/note/disclaimer.

  4. Review the updated Invoice Settings before saving. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click to apply the changes.
  5. A Confirmation message will appear on the screen indicating that the Farm was successfully updated.