In this article, you will learn how to update your farm's Harmony Settings. This panel enables you to configure the Harmony Settings that includes the following:

  • Harmony Client
  • Auto-push Updates
  • Auto-push Restrictions
  • Home Delivery fee and amount
  • Override Harmony cut date/time
  1. On the Module Menu, click Farm Management and select Update Farm. You will be directed to the Update Farm page.
  2. Scroll down to the Harmony Settings panel. This panel lets you update your farm's Harmony settings.
  3. Update the Harmony Settings, use the table below as reference for each field:
    Harmony Client
    click the  button to select the Harmony client.
    Auto-Push Harmony Updates
    click the drop down arrow to enable/disable the auto-push Harmony updates.
    Restrict Auto-Push If Order Complete Or Delivery Date Passed
    click the drop down arrow to enable the restriction for auto-push if order completes or delivery date has passed.
    Home Delivery Fee
    click the drop down arrow to select the preferred home delivery fee.
    Home Delivery Fee Amount ($)

    enter the home delivery fee amount in USD.
    Override Harmony Cut Date/Time
    click the drop down arrow to select the appropriate Harmony cut date/time override option:
    • No, Use Sent Values
    • Morning / Day Before
    • Afternoon / Day Before
    • Morning / Day of
    • Afternoon / Day of

  4. Review the updated Harmony Settings before saving. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click to apply the changes.
  5. A Confirmation message will appear on the screen indicating that the Farm was successfully updated.