In this article, you will learn how to view convert actions using the Harvesting module.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Harvesting and select Convert Requests. The Convert Requests sub-menu will expand.
  2. In the Convert Requests sub-menu, select View Convert Actions. You will be directed to the Convert Actions page.
  3. In the Convert Actions panel, use the fields as filter parameters.
    • Note: you can use multiple filter/search parameters.
  4. In this example, we use the Min Convert Date field. 
  5. After specifying the filter/search parameter(s) click.
  6. The searched/filtered results will appear in the Convert Actions list. In this page, you can view the convert action's summary.
  7. To select and view an, click the Update Convert Actionicon.
  8. The selected Convert Action will open. In this screen, you can update the number of units to be converted.