In this article, you will learn how to create a convert request. A convert request enables you to submit a conversion request for the selected/specified inventory. This include the conversion general information, convert from inventory, and the target convert to result.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Harvesting and select Convert Requests. The Convert Requests sub-menu will expand.
  2. In the Convert Requests sub-menu, select Create Convert Request. You will be directed to the Create Convert Request page.
  3. In the Convert Request panel, specify the convert request sections:
  4. Review the conversion details before saving. Clickto create the convert request.

General Info

Specify the conversion's general information:

  • Convert Date: Click the Calendar icon to enable the calendar and select the preferred conversion date.
  • Convert Time: Click the drop down arrow to select the preferred conversion time.
  • Converter: Click the drop down arrow to select the conversion initiator.

Convert From

There are two (2) methods in specifying the required information for this section. (a) Use the >SELECT INVENTORY button to choose an inventory and automatically populates its details to the Convert From section or (b) Manually enter the required inventory information.

Select Inventory Method

  1. Click the  button to open the Select Inventory window.
  2. Find the target stock and click its Select Inventory icon to choose.

Manual Inventory Detail Entry

Specify the convert from information manually:

  • Location: Click the drop down arrow to select the harvest location.
  • Stock Date: Click the Calendar icon to enable the calendar and select the inventory's stock date.
  • Product: Click the drop down arrow to select the product.
  • From Unit Type: Click the drop down arrow to specify the inventory's current unit type.
  • From Unit Size: Click the drop down arrow to specify the inventory's current unit size.
  • From Units: Enter the number of units to convert.

Convert To

Specify the preferred conversion result:

  • To Unit Type: Click the drop down arrow to select the preferred unit type conversion result.
  • To Unit Size: Click the drop down arrow to select the preferred unit size conversion result.
  • To Units: After selecting the Unit Size, this field will automatically generate the appropriate value.