In this article, you will learn how to change the existing harvest request status to Complete.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Harvesting and select Harvest Requests. The Harvest Requests sub-menu will expand.
  2. In the Harvest Requests sub-menu, select View Harvest Requests. You will be directed to the Harvest Requests page.
  3. In the Harvest Requests panel, use the fields as filter parameters.
    • Note: you can use multiple filter/search parameters.
  4. In this example, we use the Min Harvest Date field. 
  5. After specifying the filter/search parameter(s) click.
  6. The searched/filtered results will appear in the Harvest Requests list. Find the harvest request and click its Drop Down Menu on the right to enable more options.
  7. Select Complete to change the selected harvest request's status to compete. A Confirmation dialog box will appear. Click to mark the selected harvest request as complete.
  8. A Confirmation message will appear on the screen indicating that the selected Harvest Request was successfully completed.
  9. The selected harvest request's status will appear as Complete.