In this article, you will learn how to delete existing harvest requests.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Harvesting and select Harvest Requests. The Harvest Requests sub-menu will expand.
  2. In the Harvest Requests sub-menu, select View Harvest Requests. You will be directed to the Harvest Requests page.
  3. In the Harvest Requests panel, use the fields as filter parameters.
    • Note: you can use multiple filter/search parameters.
  4. In this example, we use the Min Harvest Date field. 
  5. After specifying the filter/search parameter(s) click.
  6. The searched/filtered results will appear in the Harvest Requests list. Find the harvest request that you intend to delete and click its Delete Harvest Requesticon.
  7. A Confirmation dialog box will appear. Clickto continue deleting the selected harvest request.
    • Note: if the selected request has already been harvested, the harvest actions and resulting inventory will be deleted.
  8. A Confirmation message will appear on the screen indicating that the selected Harvest Request was successfully deleted.