In this article, you will learn how to create new order payments.

This new feature lets you create a new payment based on selected orders. Created payments will be saved for processing and future reference.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Order Management and select Payments. The Payments sub-menu will expand.
  2. In the Payments sub-menu, select Create Payment. You will be directed to the Create Payment page.
  3. In the Payments panel, specify the order payment details:
    • Payment Date: click the field to enable the Calendar and select the payment date.
    • Order No.: click the button to search an order. The Select Order window will appear. Find the order that you want to create the payment from.
      • Note: you can use the Client Name and the Order No. fields to search for a specific order.
    • Payment Method: click the drop down arrow to select the preferred payment method:
    • Payment Total: this field will automatically generate the order's total payment amount.
    • Notes: enter a brief note or payment description if necessary.
  4. Review the payment details before saving.
  5. Click to create the new payment.