In this article, you will learn how to setup the Welcome Message Email.

Welcome Emails are essential in making clients feel that they are valued and appreciated. Personalizing this email will surely enhance the company's rapport to clients.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Farm Management and select Update Farm. You will be directed to the Update Farm page.
  2. Scroll down and find the Emails panel. This panel lets you manage the farm email messaging features.
  3. By default, the Welcome Message tab is opened. If it is not the selected tab, click the Welcome Message tab to open.
  4. Specify the required information:
    • In the From Name field, enter the name of your farm. Use the Farm shortcode by entering %%FARM_NAME%%.
    • In the From Email field, enter the farm email address. Use the Farm Email address shortcode by entering %%FARM_EMAIL%%.
    • In the Subject field, enter the welcome message subject.
    • In the Body field, enter the message body. You can enter the content directly or copy and paste existing company welcome message templates.
      Note: you can use the Formatting Tools to format the Welcome Message.
  5. Review the Welcome Message before saving.
  6. Review the updated Emails panel before saving. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, locate and click the button to update the changes.
  7. A Confirmation message will appear on the screen indicating that the Farm was successfully updated.