In this tutorial, you will learn how to create new Fee Prices. This option lets you create fee prices for different types of fees and specify the fee price details.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Price Management and select Fees. The Fees sub-menu expands, choose Create Fee Prices.
  2. You will be directed to the Create Fee Price page. Specify the Fee Price details:
    Pricing Tier
    click the drop down arrow to select the pricing tier preference.
    click the drop down arrow to select the fee type.
    enter the Fee Price amount.
    select the radio button of the preferred Fee Price Type (e.g. in USD, Percentage, USD per Sq. Ft., USD per Unit)
    Limit Type
    select the radio button of the preferred limit type:
    • No range: selecting this option will disable the Min Unit/Min Sq. Ft. and Max Unit/Max Sq. Ft.
    • Sq. Ft range: selecting this option will activate the Min Sq. Ft./Max Sq. Ft. fields.
    • Unit range: selecting this option will activate the Min Units/Max Units fields.
    select the checkbox to indicate that this fee price is taxable.
    Min Unit/Min Sq. Ft.
    enter the fee's minimum limit (Sq. Ft. or Units).
    Max Unit/Max Sq. Ft.
    enter the fee's maximum limit (Sq. Ft. or Units).

  3. Review the Fee Price details before saving. Click to create and save the Fee Price.