In this article, you will learn how to create new Sales Tax. This option lets you specify the sales tax details based on the place you indicated.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Price Management and select Sales Tax.  The Sales Tax sub-menu expands, choose Create Sales Tax.
  2. You will be directed to the Create Sales Tax page. Specify the Sales Tax details.
    Countryclick the drop down arrow to select your country.
    Stateclick the drop down arrow to select the State.
    Countyclick the drop down arrow to select your county.
    Cityenter the appropriate city.
    Zip Codeenter your Zip Code.
    Address 1enter your farm's address.
    Sales Tax %enter the sales tax based on the state, county, and city.
    Lockedselect the checkbox to lock this sales tax.

  3. Review the Sales Tax details before saving. Click  to create and save the new Sales Tax.