In this article, you will learn how to create new Flat Rate Prices.

Flat Rate Price is a fixed fee pricing structure when charging for products and services.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Price Management and select Flat Rate Prices.  The Flat Rate Prices sub-menu expands, choose Create Flat Rate Price.
  2. You will be directed to the Create Flat Rate Price page. Specify the Flat Rate Price details.
    click the drop down arrow to select the product type.
    Pricing Tier
    click the drop down arrow to select the preferred pricing tier.
    click the drop down arrow to select the appropriate location.
    • Note: this field only appears if you have multiple farm locations.
    Shipping Zone
    click the drop down arrow to select the preferred preset shipping zone.
    Unit Type
    click the drop down arrow to select the appropriate unit type.
    Min (sqft)
    enter the minimum product size in square foot.
    Max (sqft)
    enter the maximum product size in square foot.
    Price ($)
    enter the flat rate price in USD.
    select the Taxable Checkbox to indicate if this flat rate price is taxable.

  3. Review the Flat Rate Price details before saving. Click to create and save the new Flat Rate Price.