In this article, you will learn how to create shipping prices. Create shipping prices for any kind of orders or customer-specified shipping details. 

  1. On the Module Menu, click Price Management and select Shipping Prices.  The Shipping Prices sub-menu expands, choose Create Shipping Price.
  2. You will be directed to the Create Shipping Price page. In the Type field, click the drop down arrow to select the product type.
  3. Specify the pricing tier, shipping zone, and unit type details:
    Pricing Tier
    click the drop down arrow and select the preferred pricing tier.
    Shipping Zone
    click the drop down arrow and select the preferred shipping zone.
    Unit Type
    click the drop down arrow and select the preferred unit type.

  4. Specify the mileage details:
    Min Mile
    enter the minimum mileage for this shipping price.
    Max Mile
    enter the maximum mileage for this shipping price.

    Is Price/Mile
    click the drop down arrow and select the appropriate value:
    • No
    • Per mi per unit/sqft
      • Note selecting this will change the area or unit to Price sqft/Mile ($) or Price/Unit/Mile($).
    • Per mi only

  5. Specify the area or unit range and price, select the radio button of the preferred pricing method:
    • By Area: selecting this method will enable the area fields and disables the Unit fields.
    • By Unit: selecting this method will enable the unit fields and disables the Area fields.
  6. After selecting the pricing method, specify the pricing details:
    Min (sqft)/Min Unit
    enter the minimum area/unit for this shipping price.
    Max (sqft)/Max Unit
    enter the maximum area/unit for this shipping price.
    Price / sqft ($)/Price / Unit ($)
    enter the appropriate shipping price.

  7. Select the Taxable checkbox if this shipping price is taxable.
  8. Review the Shipping Price details before saving. Click  to create and save the new Shipping Price.