In this article, you will learn how to create unit sizes.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Product Management and select Unit Size.
  2. The Unit Sizes sub-menu expands, select Create Unit Size. You will be directed to the Create Unit Size page.
  3. Define the Unit Size details:
    Productclick the drop down arrow to select a product
    Unit Typeclick the drop down arrow to select the preferred unit type for the selected product
    Unit Sizeenter the unit size for the selected product and unit type
    Spacesenter the number of spaces for this unit size
    Product Defaultselect the checkbox to make this the default size for the selected product
    Unit Type Defaultselect the checkbox to make this the default size for the selected unit type
    Ecommerceselect the checkbox to enable this unit size in the Ecommerce feature
    Activeselect the checkbox to activate this unit size

  4. After defining and reviewing the Unit Size panel, click to create and save the Unit Size.