In this article, you will learn how to view/update existing unit sizes.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Product Management and select Unit Sizes.
  2. The Unit Sizes sub-menu expands, select View Unit Sizes. You will be directed to the Unit Sizes page.
  3. In the Unit Sizes panel, use the fields as filter parameters.
    • Note: you can use multiple filter parameters.
  4. After defining the search/filter parameters, click.
  5. The filter/search results will appear on the Unit Sizes list.
  6. Find the unit size you intend to view/update and click the Update Unit Sizesicon. You will be directed to the Update Unit Size page.
  7. The Unit Size details are displayed on this page. To edit/update the unit size details, add/edit the appropriate fields.
  8. Review the Unit Size panel before saving. Click to save the changes.