In this article, you will learn how to create fields.
- On the Module Menu, click Field Management and select Create Field. You will be directed to the Create Field page.
- In the Field Info panel, specify the required information:FieldInstructions
Name enter the field name or label Product click the drop-down arrow to select the product planted in this field Location click the drop-down arrow to select the Farm Location. This is where the field is located Acres enter the field size in acres Date Planted click the field to enable a calendar and select the date on when the product was planted Active select the Active checkbox to activate the field or deselect the checkbox to deactivate. Default select the Default checkbox to make this field the default harvest field or deselect the checkbox to remove this field as the default harvest field. - Review the Field Information before saving.
- Click
to create the field. The Field will be created and will appear in the Fields list.