In this article, you will learn how to update a farm's harvest capacity. 

  1. On the Module Menu, click Harvester Assignment. You will be directed to the Harvester Assignment page.TIP!! you can use the Harvester Assignment option in the QuickLinks Bar.
  2. In the Harvester Assignment panel, define the date range and location:
    • Next 5 Days From: click the field to activate a Calendar and select the start date of the 5-Day Overview filter.
    • Location: click the drop-down arrow to select the Farm Location.
  3. Scroll down to the Harvest Capacity section.
  4. To update the farm's harvest capacity, locate the Capacity (Sq. Ft.) field of the chosen Location and Harvest Time.
  5. In the Capacity (Sq.Ft.) field, enter the farm location's updated harvest capacity in square feet.
    • Note: the Used Harvest Capacity (Sq. Ft.) column displays the amount of used harvest capacity.
  6. Review the changes before saving.
  7. Click the button. A Confirmation message will appear on the screen indicating that the Harvest Capacity has been updated successfully.