In this article, you will learn how to create a client. Clients are your customers, who orders your products and services. The Client Management module allows you to organize client information, save client preferences, and many more.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Client Management and select Create Client. You will be directed to the Create Client page.
  2. There are five (5) sections you need to specify. Below are the summary of the sections, click the links to know more about them:
  3. After specifying each section, review the client details and click to create the client.

Specifying Client Information

The Client Info section contains the basic client information.

In the Client Info section, specify the client's basic information.

enter the client's name.
enter the client's address 1
enter the client's address 2 (optional)
enter the city where the client is located
click the drop down arrow to select the country
click the drop down arrow to select the state
Zip Code
enter the state's Zip Code
enter the client's phone number
SMS Phone
enter the client's SMS phone number
enter the client's fax number
enter the client's email address
enter a client note or description

click the drop down arrow to select the client status:
  • Active
  • Inactive

After specifying the Client Info section, scroll down and proceed to the Delivery Address section.

Specifying the Client Delivery Address

The Delivery Address section allows you to specify the client's delivery address. In some instances, the delivery address is different from the address specified in the Client Info section. Use this section to register the delivery address.

  1. If the Delivery Address is the same as specified in the Client Info section, select the Same Address checkbox. If it is different, enter the delivery details manually.
    • Note: if the client does not have a delivery address, select the No Delivery Address checkbox. This usually happens when the client prefers Pick Up method.
  2. When selecting the Same Address checkbox, the client address will automatically populate in the fields. Specify the remaining fields:
    Business Name
    enter the delivery address' business name
    Delivery Contact
    enter the delivery contact person's full name
    Delivery Email
    enter the contact person's email address
    click the drop down arrow to select the development preference
    Harmony Home Delivery
    click the drop down arrow to activate/deactivate the Harmony Home Delivery option.
  3. Configure the Map section.
    1. In the Latitude and Latitude fields, enter the appropriate coordinates.
    2. In the County field, click the drop down arrow and select the county.
    3. Click.
      • Note: if the latitude and longitude are unavailable, clickto automatically map the address.
    4. In the Curb Approach field, click the drop down arrow to select the appropriate curb approach.
    5. Address Delivery Notes: enter address delivery notes if necessary.

After specifying the Delivery Address section, scroll down to the People section to add people associated with the client.

Adding People 

This section allows you to add people associated with the client. 

  1. Scroll down and locate the People section.
  2. Click the Plus icon to activate additional fields.
  3. Additional fields will be activated. Specify the activated fields.
    enter the person's name
    enter the person's role
    enter the person's phone number
    enter the person's email address

  4. To Add more people,click the Plusand repeat the process.
    • Note: to delete a person, click the Minus icon in line with the person you intend to remove.

After adding people, scroll down to the Jobs section to add jobs for this client.

Adding Jobs

This section allows you to add jobs related to this client. You can add activate jobs that are connected to this client (i.e. product installation, other services).

  1. Scroll down and locate the Jobs section.
  2. Click the Plus icon to activate a field.
  3. In the Name field, enter the Job Name.
  4. To create additional jobs, click the Plusicon and repeat the process.
    • Note: to delete a job, click the Minus icon in line with the job you intend to remove.

After adding jobs, scroll down to the Settings section.

Configuring the Client Settings

The Settings section allows you to configure the client's settings to match their preference.


Pricing Tier
click the drop down arrow to select the client's preferred pricing tier
Number of Price Invoice Copies
enter the client's preferred number of priced invoice copies
Number of Unpriced Invoice Copies
enter the client's preferred number of unpriced invoice copies
Default Unit Type
click the drop down arrow to select the client's preferred default unit type
Default Farm Location
click the drop down arrow to select the client's preferred default farm location



Credit Limit 
select the Default checkbox to use the default limit
  • Note: to use custom credit limit, deselect the checkbox and enter the amount in the Credit Limit field.

Balance ($)
select the Default checkbox to use the default balance
  • Note: to use custom balance, deselect the checkbox and enter the balance in the Balance ($) field.

Grass/Liquid OnlyCheckbox
select the checkbox to apply discounts on grass/liquid products only. To choose the client's discount preference, select the appropriate radio button.
  • Note: select ($) for cost discounts or (%) for percentage discounts.
select the checkbox to apply discounts on grass/liquid products only
Charge Unity Type Costs
click the drop down arrow to activate/deactivate this feature or use the farm default
Receive SMS
click the drop down arrow to activate/deactivate this feature or use the farm default
Default Sales Rep
click the drop down arrow to select the default sales representative



click the field to select the client's preferred term of payment:
  • COD
  • Credit Card
  • Net 30
  • On Receipt

Sell By
c;lick the drop down arrow to select the product setting preference:
  • Use Farm Default
  • Units
  • Square Foot

Billing Preference
click the drop down arrow to select the client's billing preference:
  • Use Farm Default
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Mail
Resale No.enter the client's preferred resale number
Allow Order Creationselect the checkbox to allow the client to create orders
Send Welcome Emailselect the checkbox to send welcome email to the client
PO # Requiredselect the checkbox to require PO # for this client


  1. In the Invoice Footnote field, enter the invoice footnotes. You can also use this field to create invoice disclaimers.
  2. In the Delivery Notes field, enter delivery message or instructions.