In this article, you will learn how to update/edit clients' refund requests.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Client Management and select View Clients. You will be directed to the Client Management page.
  2. On the Client Management page, use the Clients panel to search/filter clients by entering one or more details.
  3. After defining the filter parameters, click.
  4. On the Clients list, choose a client and click the Drop Down Menu in line of the chosen client. The Drop Down Menu will expand.
  5. Select Refunds and you will be directed to the Refunds page.
  6. On the Client Refunds list, choose the request to update by clicking the Update Refund icon.
  7. You will be directed to the Update Refund page. Update the selected refund request.
  8. Review the updated information before saving. Click to save the updated refund request.