In this article, you will learn how to view client orders.

This feature allows you to view orders by client directly under the Order Management.

  1. On the Module Menu, click Order Management and select View Client Orders. You will be directed to the Client Orders screen.
  2. On the Client Orders screen, use the Client Orders panel to search/filter client orders by entering one or more details.
  3. Click  to search the client order that you intend to view/update.
  4. The searched/filtered results will appear on the Client Orders list. Choose a client order to view and click the Plus icon and the selected client order details will expand.
  5. To view the Unit Details, click the tab between the Summary and Quick Edit tabs.
    Note: the tab name may change depending on the selected product unit (i.e. pallets, big rolls, etc.).
  6. To perform a quick order update, click the Quick Edit tab. As the Quick Edit tab expands, update the following fields if necessary:
    • Delivery Instructions
    • Billing Status  
    • Notes
  7. Click  to save the changes.