In this article we will cover how to enable customers to make order requests. When enabled, these customers will be able to log into their account and place an order request to be fulfilled. 

Step 1 - Enable The Client

1) Click on "Client Management" and select "View Clients" from the left menu.

2) Search for the client you wish to enable order requests for and click on the "update client" icon ().

3) Under the Settings section (bottom section) of the update client screen click on the "Allow Order Creation" checkbox located at the bottom right of the section.


4) Click "Save"


Step 2 - Provide Username and Password to the Client

Now the client is enabled to create an order, but we need to provide them with their login credentials. The first time the client ordered they were provide a generated user ID and password that was emailed to them. This is what they would use to log in. If they have forgotten it or can't locate it, you can find and update their login info by following these steps:

1) Click on "User Management" and select "View Users" from the left menu to enter the "User Management" screen.

2) Type in the client name in the "First Name" field and click "Search". (NOTE: The entire client name will be in the First Name field so do not use the "Last Name" field when searching for client user names. Also, this search field will find partial names so if you don't find it on the first try check your spelling or enter a partial name). You can also use the "User Group" filter and select "Customer". Be sure to click "Search" to filter.

3) By default customer user names will be in the format "55g848f888897" or similar. To change this user name, click on the update user () icon and you can change the username from that screen. Be sure to click "save" when done.

4) To update the user's password, return to the user management screen and locate the user that you want to update the password for. Click on the lock icon () to change the user's password. Enter the new password and click save. Provide the client with their new username and password and they are now ready to create their first order request.


Step 3 - Creating a Client Order Request

1) When the client logs in for the first time they can now see past orders and place an order. Click on the "Place an Order" menu item from the left menu.

2) Have the client enter their information. To view their pricing (if set up), the customer can hover over the "View Pricing Tier"

Click save and the order request will appear in your account along with a message notifying you of the order creation. Confirm it by saving and the order will be activated.